McKnight’s modernized designs act as a psychedelic slide into a pool of ever changing movement. Readers will discover that adding color to the vast maze of NUVEAU will offer an inner reflexive experience that breaks the traditional definition of “artist.” Plus, it’s all for a good cause.
— Garrett Davis, Territory OKC

I have a print that my dear friend and unbelievably talented artist, Tiffany McKnight, gave me for Christmas some years ago that resides right next to my computer. I get lost in its cosmically compelling shapes every time I look at it. There is so much energy and complexity to her confident patterns that they tend to set my troubled mind free, especially when I’m facing writer’s block or creative constipation. In NUVEAU, she continues the important work of reflecting our connection to nature with consciousness expanding designs. Tiffany has created a blueprint for tapping into your creative side with her gorgeous, soporific patterns – it’s up to you to finish the amazing work she has started.
— Grace Gordon, Fashion Features Editor, Savoir Flair

The two co-publishers are planning on releasing five to seven Penny Candy titles each year, as well as books under the Penelope Editions imprint that “don’t fit into the Penny Candy mold,” Reynolds said, such as an adult coloring book called NUVEAU: The Future of Patterns.
— Claire Kirch, Publishers Weekly

Read the full article on Publishers Weekly: Penny Candy Books: A Mission Becomes a Moral Directive

Penny Candy established an imprint, Penelope Editions, for books that fall outside its stated mission but still offer compelling ideas. The first Penelope Editions book, Nuveau: The Future of Patterns, is an adult coloring book created by Tiffany McKnight that reframes art nouveau designs through the lens of African textile art.
— Ian Jayne, Oklahoma Gazette


NUVEAU: The Future of Patterns is available for
purchase at: Penny Candy Books, Common Place Books, STASH , and Amazon